The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

thinking together

:(noun) the action of joining minds and wills to foster synergy and drive innovation.

At the think tank, we believe that each of us offers something unique, and our gifts are often complementary. Relationships between people and organizations therefore present opportunities to foster growth, enhance confidence and drive innovations.

We are proud of our partners and the work we do — TOGETHER we are a true THINK TANK.

Our Partnerships

The Think Tank Prep
The Think Tank Prep

A national purveyor of education services to schools and philanthropic services to schools and other non-profit organizations, ADAC provides to its clients the capacity they want and need to confidently grow in and fully realize their respective missions.

ADAC partners with The Think Tank in providing comprehensive implementation support on our proprietary “Fill the Math GAPS” program

The Think Tank Prep

Saint Viator High School

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Personalized ACT Prep Class

Saint Viator High School has partnered with the Think Tank to produce ACT classes that have been customized for busy students who need to prep before heading home.

The Program is broken into matched-ability groups, multiple times per year, to provide optimal instruction for students at any level.

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Holy Trinity  High School

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Fill the Math GAPS -
School Wide Implementation

Holy Trinity High School has partnered with The Think Tank as one of our flagship schools to implement the Fill the Math GAPS program.

We work closely with their administrators and teachers to deliver individualized support and critical data to address their student’s needs.

In addition, The Think Tank offers an in-school ACT Prep program for Holy Trinity’s top-performing students.

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

St. Teresa of Calcutta School

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Fill the Math GAPS -
Middle School Implementation

In February 2023 St. Teresa of Calcutta School partnered with The Think Tank to implement the Fill the Math GAPS program for their 8th grade students.

Based on the success of that pilot, they expanded the program to serve their 7th and 8thgrade student body. In September of 2023.

Please click on this, to see St. Teresa’s success story.

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Holy Name School

The Think Tank Prep, Student Academic Support, Student Resources, Prep School, Tutoring

Fill the Math GAPS -
Middle School Implementation

Holy Name School has partnered with The Think Tank to implement the Fill the Math GAPS program to serve their 7th and 8th grade student body. 

We work closely with their administrators and teachers to ensure Holy Name has the supplemental math data to serve their students on an individual level.